Helmer Andersen Gjedeboe

Helmer Andersen Gjedeboe was a non-commissioned military officer. He served as a representative at the Norwegian Constitutional Assembly.
Helmer Andersen Gjedeboe was born on the farm Geitbuan at Orkdal in Sør-Trøndelag, Norway. Helmer Gjedebo began his military career as a soldier in 1804. After he completed his military service in 1818, he ran a shop. In 1824, he received a license as a distiller. He entered public service as police officer in Trondheim from 1838–1850. His former residence in Trondheim was moved in 1979, rebuilt and opened in the Trondelag Folk Museum.
He represented the Second Trondhjem Regiment at the Norwegian Constituent Assembly in 1814, together with Jacob Erik Lange. At Eidsvoll, he supported the position of the independence party.

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