Heinrich Urban

Heinrich Urban was a German violinist and composer.

Life and career

Heinrich Urban was born in Berlin, and studied with Ferdinand Laub, Hubert Ries and Richard Hellmann. He sang alto in the Königlich Domchor and the Königlich Kapelle. He continued his studies later in Paris, and then worked as a violinist, composer and music teacher. He also served as conductor of the Berliner Dilettanten Orchester Verein. Noted students include harpsichordist Wanda Landowska, Polish pianist and composer Ignace Jan Paderewski, Polish composer Mieczysław Karłowicz, American composer Fannie Charles Dillon, American composer Maurice Arnold Strothotte and Polish musicologist Henryk Opieński. He died in Berlin.


Heinrich Urban wrote overtures, a symphony and symphonic poems, an opera and a violin concerto. He also wrote solo and chamber music for violin. Selected works include: