Heimito von Doderer-Literaturpreis

The Heimito von Doderer-Literaturpreis was established in 1996 to commemorate the 100th birthday of Heimito von Doderer. It was created as a memorial to "one of the most important writers of the 20th century", and to honor a single work or life work of a contemporary writer who excels in "language of high sensitivity and originality in the tradition of Doderer.
The award ceremony took place in 1996 in Vienna, in 1997 in Berlin, from 1998 the price has been awarded in Cologne.
"Narrative strong debuts" are awarded the Hauptpreis, an addition a Förderpreis has been awarded regularly, a Sonderpreis irregularly. The Main prize is 20,000 Euros, the funding and special awards are valued at 5,000 euros each.

