Heavyweight (MMA)

The heavyweight division in mixed martial arts generally groups fighters between.
Although many ambiguities exist within the lowerweight classes regarding division naming and weight limits, the Heavyweight division is, for the most part, uniform. The Ultimate Fighting Championship and most other North American MMA organizations such as Bellator MMA, WSOF, and King of the Cage abide by this interpretation to their 206–265 lb athletes as heavyweights. Pancrase's overweight division was before being revised to its current.
The heavyweight upper weight limit, as defined by the Nevada State Athletic Commission and the Association of Boxing Commissions is.

Professional champions

Current champions

This table was last updated in August 2019.
OrganizationReign BeganChampionRecordDefenses
UFCAugust 17, 2019 Stipe Miocic19–3 0
Bellator MMAJanuary 26, 2019 Ryan Bader27–5 0
Cage WarriorsJuly 10, 2020 Andrew Dunkerley15-0 0
Legacy Fighting AllianceBrett Martin9–1 0
Fight Nights Global Vacant
ACA Vacant
ONE ChampionshipDecember 11, 2015 Brandon Vera16–8 2
KSWApril 14, 2018 Phil De Fries17–6 3

Most wins in heavyweight title bouts

NamePromotionTitle bout wins
1. Randy CoutureUFC6
2. Stipe MiocicUFC5
2. Tim SylviaUFC5
4. Cain VelasquezUFC4
4. Fedor EmelianenkoPride4
6. Antonio Rodrigo NogueiraUFC, Pride3
6. Andrei ArlovskiUFC3
6. Brock LesnarUFC3
6. Daniel CormierUFC, Strikeforce3
10. Alistair OvereemStrikeforce2
10. Frank MirUFC2
10. Fabricio WerdumUFC2
10. Kevin RandlemanUFC2
10. Maurice SmithUFC2
10. Ron WatermanWEC2
10. James IrvinWEC2
10. Brian OlsenWEC2

Most consecutive defenses of heavyweight title