
Headsex is the first album by Technohead, a pseudonym of the duo Greater Than One, released in 1995. It is the album from which the single "I Wanna Be a Hippy" was taken, which peaked at number six in the UK Singles Chart in February 1996. The song quotes several lines from artist/activist David Peel's song "I Like Marijuana"

Track listing

  1. "I Wanna Be a Hippy"
  2. "Headsex "
  3. "Accelerator #2"
  4. "The Passion #1"
  5. "Get High"
  6. "Mary Jane"
  7. "Headsex"
  8. "Get Stoned"
  9. "Keep the Party Going"
  10. "Sexhead"
  11. "Gabba Hop"
  12. "Kiddie Mix"
  13. "Headsex "
  14. "I Wanna Be a Hippy"