Head Lopper

Head Lopper is a comic book created by writer and artist Andrew MacLean, currently published by Image Comics. The story follows the exploits of the Viking warrior Norgal and the severed head of Agatha the Blue Witch.

Publishing history

Head Lopper originally began as a self-published project by comics creator Andrew MacLean. In 2015 it was picked up for a four-issue miniseries.
The character originated from a piece for Brand New Nostalgia. The theme of the week had been Vikings, and a bearded warrior with a witch's head skewered on his sword was the result.

Self-published issues

Head Lopper #1 debuted at Heroes Con 2013. The first issue was a small print run and thus costly to produce. The second issue was funded via a Kickstarter campaign launched October 10, 2013.

Image Comics issues

In 2015 Image Comics picked up Head Lopper as a "quarterly adventure comic". The series eschewed the industry standard 22-page monthly issues in favor of a larger issues published quarterly.
In April 2016 MacLean announced on various social media channels that Image Comics had picked up Head Lopper for another miniseries in 2017.
