Parks and open spaces in the London Borough of Ealing

The London Borough of Ealing, one of the outer London boroughs although not on the periphery, has over 100 parks and open spaces within its boundaries. These include allotments, cemeteries, playgrounds, and golf courses in addition to the larger open spaces such as nature conservation areas. The main areas are:
The Brent River Park is one of 11 parks throughout Greater London chosen to receive money for redevelopment by a public vote in 2009. The park received £400,000 towards better footpaths, more lighting, refurbished public toilets and new play areas for children.


Across the London Borough of Ealing there are 63 allotments sites. Most are council-owned but a few are independent.
The allotments in this part of London dramatically increased during World War II as part of the government effort to feed the nation. To encourage the uptake of allotment plots by people who had no access to a garden themselves, a campaign was waged under the slogan “Dig for Victory”. Towards the later end of the 20th century they became popular again amongst the growing ethnic communities, as a source of some of their more familiar and traditional vegetables which were otherwise unobtainable in British shops. Some local organisations have now formally recognised some of the benefits that come from working on allotments and actively encourage their use.
Ealing Council has also signed up to the Unitary Development Plan which it is hoped will safeguard the existing allotments from building developers.