Hasnain Baqai

Hasnain Baqai, also known as Shah Saheb, is an Islamic scholar. He is the patron and parts of various social, academic and other developmental activities of Sufi Sunni Muslims in India. He is the President of the All India Ulema and Mashaikh Board. One source describes him as having an inclusive and broadminded interpretation of Islam.

Family Background

He is the son of Maqdoom e Millat Shah Syed Waliullah Baqai.

Positions and activities

He has held the following positions:
General Secretary,
Central Executive Committee,
Sufi Islamic Board.



Baqai disagrees with the notion of a "triple talaq" divorce. He supported the central government's rendition of an opinion against the legality of 'triple talaq' divorce for Muslim women, during the proceedings of the Supreme Court.

Execution of Nimr al-Nimr & Faris Zarani

In an interview condemning the execution of Nimr al-Nimr in Saudi Arabia, Baqai said: "One Shia and Sunni cleric were hanged just because they were raising voices for minorities’ rights and against the sheltering of terrorism by Saudi Arabia."

Unity between Shia and Sunni

Baqai advocates the unity of Sunnis and Shia.