Hasland Hall Community School

Hasland Hall Community School is an English secondary school situated in Hasland, a village in Chesterfield, Derbyshire, England. Hasland Hall, for many years was the residence of Mr Bernard Lucas JP and then converted into a school. The school is not wheelchair friendly due to the size of corridors.
Hasland Hall provides education from years 7 to 11.
A new building consisting of five classrooms was opened in September 2006. Laptops have also been introduced across the school.
On 3 February 2009, Hasland Hall closed its doors due to snow. It was the first time recorded in the history of the school. Hasland Junior School and Hasland Infant School also closed due to the snow, for the first time. A total of 130 schools in Chesterfield closed due to the snow.

New expectations

The 'S.T.A.R' expectation policy was introduced to the school at the end of the academic school year of 2019. S.T.A.R stands for; Sit up and engage, Try your best, Aim high, Respect for all. This policy is stuck in every classroom to remind students of the expectations. The hope is that this policy will ensure good behaviour throughout the school, an issue the school has previously had.

Change of Head

In a letter dated 11 November 2019 from the chair of governors it was stated that Miss Moore would not be in school for "the foreseeable future". The letter to parents was brief and offered no further explanation:
"I write to inform you that Miss Moore will not be in school for the foreseeable future. Mr Edmonds will be Acting Headteacher during this time.
Our number one priority is ensuring that all young people get the very best education and to do this we must all continue to work together."

Ofsted inspections

Hasland Hall's last Ofsted inspection was September 2015, where it was rated a Good School.
Ofsted inspected the school again in October, and the results show the school to be inadequate an Academy Order is to be issued, according to the school newsletter of 3 February 2020.

School Strikes

In July, the staff of Hasland Hall went on strike. NASUWT stated, 'This action is as a result of the failure of the Employer to respond to the deep concerns of teachers about adverse management practices at the school which are negatively impacting on their wellbeing and working conditions'
The full article; https://www.nasuwt.org.uk/article-listing/teachers-at-chesterfield-school-to-strike.html
Another strike, on 22 October, took place for the failure of these concerns to properly dealt with.