Hasköy, Muş

Hasköy is a town and district of Muş Province in the Eastern Anatolia region of present-day Turkey. The mayor is Mürsel Özen.


Founded in IIIth century A.D. as Armenian village of Khasgegh Arm: Խասգեղ in Tarawn district of Turuberan province of Arshacid Armenia.
Before the Armenian genocide Khasgegh was an Armenian populated village of Bitlis Province of Ottoman Empire. At the turn of the 20th century photographic records indicate that the town was a cluster of mud brick dome shaped huts. The population in At this time the population was recorded as 2358, mainly Armenians. By the eve of the Armenian Genocide at the beginning of World War 1 the population was 450, The town had three churches the Saint Yerortoutiun, Sdepanos and Talileos church's.