Hard Knocks (1987 TV series)
Hard Knocks is an American comedy-drama television series that aired on the Showtime Network. It featured Bill Maher and Tommy Hinkley as ideologically opposed private detectives looking to make money by solving the problems of their wealthy clients.Synopsis
Gower Rhodes and Nick Bronco open a private detective agency in the back of a restaurant to make money by solving cases. However, nothing seems to go their way.Cast
Main Characters
- Bill Maher as Gower Rhodes
- Tommy Hinkley as Nick Bronco
Recurring and Guest Roles
- Judith-Marie Bergan as Maggie
- Babette Props as Terry
- James Vallely as Silky
- Gracie Harrison as Sheila Jesswalters
of the New York Times called the show "something truly different." The show has also been reviewed in the Spartanburg Herald-Journal as "hard to watch," and in the Chicago Tribune as having woeful writing, unappealing characters, an infantile premise, and as "making programmers at the three networks look like charter members of Mensa."Awards and nominations
Hard Knocks was nominated for a CableACE Award in 1988