Harald Bergstedt

Harald Bergstedt was a Danish writer, novelist, playwright and a poet.
Author of the genre and satire verses.
His social novel Alexandersen became a satire on a bourgeois culture.
His novel Factory of the Saints became a prototype for Yakov Protazanov's 1930 film St. Jorgen's Day — a satire on the church and its ministers' hypocrisy.
Before the Second World War, he was a social democrat and was an immensely popular poet. Several still popular Danish children's songs have lyrics by Bergstedt. In 1942-1945 during the German occupation of Denmark, he worked for a Nazi newspaper in Denmark, "Fædrelandet", and in 1946 was sentenced two years in prison for "cooperation with the Nazis".
In 1948, he published a verse collection named Songs in the Jail with his thoughts on his life and works.