Happy World!

Happy World! is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Kenjirō Takeshita. It was serialized in Shueisha's Ultra Jump. The manga was adapted into an original video animation by KSS with animation work done by Zexcs.


Takeshi Ōmura is an average middle schooler cursed with the bad fortune, as his everyday life is a misery; his house burns down, he sets his hand in dung, he gets chased by a wild dog and all sorts of activities that ruin his life. One day, he is visited by an angel with the name of Elle, and she claims that she came down from the heavens to aid Takeshi in his misfortune. To get rid of his bad luck, he places his bad luck in a small ball with the help of Elle and throws it out of sight. As Elle leaves and Takeshi continues his daily life, he finds the ball again and decides to wait for a person to pick it up. Unfortunately, a young girl sees the ball and moves into a path of a moving truck. Takeshi, realizing that he wouldn't be happy if he didn't save the girl, touches the ball and shouts that he would be the successor of the bad luck if saved by Elle. The angel transports them to a backyard of a house and becomes a human. From then on, Elle lives at the Ōmura household, and attends Takeshi's school.



She enjoys making clothes and often tries to get Takeshi to wear dress's she apparently doesn't understand why this is a problem for him.


Happy World! is written and illustrated by Kenjirō Takeshita. It was serialized in Shueisha's Ultra Jump, ending the serialization at 72 chapters. Shueisha published the manga's 11 bound volumes between February 24, 2001 and July 19, 2006.

Volume listing

Original video animation

Directed by Takashi Ikehata, a 3-episode original video animation was created by KSS for Happy World!. The OVA uses two pieces of theme music. "Kami-sama no Okuri mono ~Naked Angel~" by Millio is the opening theme, while "Shiawase Biyori" by Satomi Hanamura is the ending theme. On August 9, 2002, an animation CD was released for Happy World!, containing both opening and ending themes. The first episode was released on a DVD by Happinet Pictures on December 13, 2002 and on VHS on December 20, 2002. The second episode was released on DVD on March 28, 2003. The third episode was released on DVD on June 27, 2003.

Episode listing