Schenk graduated from the University of Oregon, obtained his MBA in the collaborative Leuven/Cornell programme and his doctorate in economics from Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis. He has held chairs at several foreign institutions, among which the China-Europe Management Institute in Beijing and Université Louis Pasteur in Strasbourg. He was a fellow of the Centre for International Business and Management when it was at Cambridge University between 2005-2015, after which he became an academic associate . He was a consultant to multinational enterprises, employers’ federations as well as trade unions, the United Nations, the Dutch and English parliaments, the European Commission, and the governments of the Netherlands, Vietnam and South Africa. He directed the family business firm in Maastricht for five years and acts on various supervisory boards. He has been chief advisor to the Royal Dutch Economic Society and is an associate editor of the International Journal of the Economics of Business and the International Review of Applied Economics. The Economist qualified him as “the internationally most reputable Dutch economist” in 1993. He was a nominated recipient of Le Monde's Science Award in 1998 while Edward Elgar's Who's Who in the Management Sciences selected him as one of seven Dutch entries among the world's 350 leading business scholars. His work is being quoted frequently in Dutch newspapers while he appeared regularly on radio and TV news programmes. Abroad, he was interviewed for media such as Canadian Public TV, Newsweek, The Guardian, The Wall Street Journal, and the China Business Times.
Professor of International Business, China-Europe Management Institute/EFMD, Beijing /Brussels
Visiting professorial fellow of Industrial Economics, Department of Economics, University of Warwick, Coventry
Senior advisor, United Nations, Vienna
Visiting professor of industrial policy, International University Institute, Luxembourg
Managing director, Emile Schenk Construction Services Ltd, Maastricht
Assistant/associate professor of Operations Management, Faculty of Economics, University of Groningen
Economics as well as business at Nyenrode University, University of Oregon ; MBA from University of Leuven ; Economics doctorate from Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis
Scholarly affiliations
Associate editor of ;
Associate editor of ;
Past member steering committee, ‘European Network on Industrial Policy’
Past member executive committee, ;
Past member editorial committee, ;
Past founding editor of
Acted as consultant to multinational enterprises, Dutch ministries, the governments of Vietnam and South Africa, UNCTAD, UNI-Europa, trade unions, and employers' federations. Past member of the Industrial Policy Committee of the SER and various other official committees. Organiser of several conferences, most recently on ‘Governance of the Modern Firm'. Led the academic supporting team of the De Wit Committee of the Dutch Parliament which studied the causes of, and policy responses to the Great Financial Crisis of 2008.
Eight books ; two special journal issues
More than 80 scholarly papers in a.o. TPE; ESB; De Economist; Maandschrift Economie; Empirica; Int. Rev. Appl. Econ., J. Publ. Issues, J. Evol. Econ., and in edited volumes published by North-Holland; Manchester University Press; Routledge; Kluwer; Edward Elgar; Scriptum; Sage
Many business or government sponsored extensive research reports and professional articles
Awarded honorary membership of the economics students association ECU'92 at Utrecht University, 2015
Selected chief pre-advisor to the Royal Dutch Economic Society, 2001
Selected one of the world’s 350, and the Netherlands’s 7, leading scholars in management, see Cooper, Who’s Who in the Management Sciences, 2000; and Economisch Statistische Berichten, 22 December 2000
Nominated recipient of the Le Monde University Research Award 1998
Most frequently cited scholar of Tilburg University in Dutch & foreign media, 1996-2001
Considered “the internationally most reputable Dutch economist” by the Economist in 1993
Teaching awards from Erasmus University, Tilburg University and Utrecht University.