Hannah Cobb

Hannah Cobb is an archaeologist at the University of Manchester, noted for her work on pedagogy, post-humanist theory, and diversity and equality in archaeology.


Cobb undertook her PhD research at the University of Manchester, completed in 2008.


Cobb is a lecturer in Archaeology at the University of Manchester. Her research focuses on the Mesolithic archaeology of north-west Europe, and archaeological pedagogy. Cobb has co-edited several monographs, including Investigating the Role of Fieldwork in Teaching and Learning Archaeology and Reconsidering Archaeological Fieldwork. Her work on archaeological pedagogy is strongly influenced by DeLanda and assemblage theory.
Cobb is the Chair of the CIFA Equality & Diversity Group, and founded the Everyday Sexism Project. She was elected as a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries in 2016. The Ardnamurchan Transitions Project, which Cobb co-directs, was awarded the 2014 Archaeology Training Forum Training Award. She also co-directs the Whitworth Park Community Archaeology and History project.

Selected publications