Handong Global University

Handong Global University is a private, Christian, four-year university located in Pohang, North Gyeongsang province, South Korea.


• University System: ‘A’ Ranking by the Ministry of Education, Republic of Korea
• Republic of Korea's First UNESCO-UNITWIN Host University
United Nations Academic Impact Global Hub University
• Asia's First Institute for Global Education in support of United Nations Academic Impact
• Asia’s First International Law School, leading Bar passage rate of 70.39% and 428 lawyers in the U.S.
• Republic of Korea’s First OECD internship MOU in Paris, France
• Student’s satisfaction: #1 ranking amongst private universities, #2 ranking amongst all universities in South Korea
• since 2015
• 15% of freshmen graduated high school abroad
• Global Campus: 60 countries represented

'''Unique Characteristic'''

—  Admission with Undeclared Major and Department
• Students are admitted without making a choice in department or major, regardless of the previous academic affiliation.
• As they enter their sophomore year, students may freely choose the major they wish regardless of academic affiliation, grades, or number of students that choose one major.
• Students may change their major freely after making their selection at any semester.
—  Double Major Program
•  Double Major Program is compulsory from the Sophomore Year
•  Two majors can be chosen freely, without a limitation in the difference of departments.
—  Practical English and Computer Education
• ESL courses are taught by native English speaking professors..
• 24 Credits are to be taken in English.
• Practical Computer courses are to be taken
Team Program
• One professor and up to 35 students from different departments and ages form a team.
• Forms a bond between professors and students through Work Duties, and Team Meetings every Wednesday.
• Team Program is a part of a regular course called Community Leadership with 0.5 Credits.
Unsupervised Exams
Christian Courses


-Average 40% of Courses are offered in English.
-Global Management, US and International Law, Information Technology and Global Convergence Studies are offered in 100% English Curriculum.
Global Leadership School
School of International Studies, Languages and Literature
International Area Studies / English
School of Management and Economics
Global Management / Management / Economics
School of Law
US & International Law / Korean Law
School of Communication Arts
Performance and Film Arts / Media Information Communication
School of Counseling Psychology and Social Welfare
Counseling Psychology / Social Welfare
School of Spatial Environment System Engineering
Construction Engineering / Urban Environmental Engineering
School of Contents Convergence Design
Visual Communication Design / Product Design
School of Life Science
Life Sciences
School of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
Information Technology / Computer Science / Electrical Engineering / Advanced Computer Science / Advanced Electrical Engineering
*ABEEK Program is ongoing, with School of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering meeting the global standard in operation of this program.
School of Mechanical and Control Engineering
Mechanical Engineering / Control System Engineering / Mechatronics / Advanced Mechatronics
School of Global Entrepreneurship and Information, Communication Technology
Global Entrepreneurship / ICT Entrepreneurship / ICT Convergence
School of Creative Convergence Education
Global Convergence Studies / Student-Designed Convergence Studies / Global Korean studies / Mathematical Statistics / Holistic Global Citizenship Program / Global Problem Solver Program

'''History and Government Project'''

'''International Programs and Collaborations'''

•'''Cooperation with UNESCO'''

UNESCO UNITWIN Supervising University

•'''Cooperation with the UN'''

UNAI Global Hub Institution Selection
UN Depository Library Designation : HGU has been designated as a UN depositary library and students can now access documents, treaties, and publications from UN agencies online. Freely accessing and studying these materials, Handong students are becoming more global citizens. UN Department of Public Information NGO Institution Registration UNDPI promotes peace and development of mankind by informing the world of the UN’s ideals and activities and cooperating with various stakeholders. As Korea’s first NGO registered institution, HGU actively promotes major UN issues and addresses joint challenges such as human trafficking and sustainable energy.
UNAI ASPIRE KOREA : UNAI ASPIRE, short for Action by Students to Promote Innovation and Reform through Education, is a voluntary international student community that started in 2011 to change the world through education. ASPIRE continues its activities around the world including Korea and the USA. In Korea, HGU has branches in ten universities, engaging in practical activities to realize the UN Sustainable Development Goals and spreading the sense of global citizenship.
Opening of Ban Ki-Moon Institute for Global Education : The IGE, a global executive body specializing in civil education, will conduct joint research tasks with more than 1,200 UNAI member universities and institutions to study and educate them on innovative and practical solutions to achieve the ten UNAI principles. The IGE will run a 'Global Convergence Education' program to achieve the UN SDGs, including a variety of international issues and leadership/character education.

•'''Cooperation with the [OECD]'''

Signing of the Internship Agreement with the OECD : Handong Global University is the first Korean University to send student interns to the OECD headquarters in Paris, France. The OECD Intern Program is an official agreement with the OECD that provides students with an opportunity to intern at the OECD headquarters. Interns can work in multi-cultural working environments with teams of highly qualified professionals from various departments, such as Information Technology and Network Services, within the OECD.

•'''Cooperation with Handong Entrepreneurship Global Centers'''

– Cooperation with Handong Entrepreneurship Glocal Center HGU operates the HEGC to ensure a continued maintenance and activation of the Global Entrepreneurship Training program. Through the HEGC, we educate entrepreneurship in developing countries, helping them to run their own programs. HGU has opened three HEGCs: Nairobi Center, Kenya ; Accra Center, Ghana ; University of San Pablo Center, Peru

•'''https://unitwin.handong.edu Cooperation with UNITWIN Developing Country Universities'''

– Currently, HGU, designated as Korea's first UNITWIN University in 2007, has formed a network with 62 universities and 16 institutions from 30 countries to engage in diverse exchanges such as educating ODA programs and holding consultative meetings. HGU implements strategies for sustainable development and capacity enhancement in developing countries. Every year, around 50 professors and experts and 150 students participate to enhance the capabilities of developing countries.

•'''Cooperation with KOICA">Korea International Cooperation Agency">KOICA'''

– KOICA-HGU long-term master’s degree course: HGU has been selected as a KOICA-consigned training institute, providing master's degree curriculums for public officials in developing countries. HGU provides courses on entrepreneurship training, electronics, and ICT convergence technologies to prepare for the fourth industrial revolution, nurturing a workforce in developing countries with the capacity for social innovation.

•'''International Offices'''

- HGU center - Global America Business Institute in Washington D.C., USA
- HGU center - INNObjects, Silicon Valley, USA
- HGU center - Hebrew University, Israel
- Entrepreneurship Global Center in Kenya, Ghana, and Peru
- LeTourneau University local center in HGU
- King Sejong Institute Upland in Taylor University, USA

•'''International Alliances'''

- Council for Christian Colleges & Universities, USA
- Association of Christian Universities and Colleges in Asia

•'''International Exchange Program'''

Partnership for exchange program with 237 universities, 63 countries

•'''Handong Leadership School (HLS)'''

One week of summer school for middle and high school students around the world. Participants will be able to attend various lectures by Handong Global University's professors, participate in a variety of cultural experiences, and get a glimpse of the unique campus life.

Honorary Doctorates of HGU

- Dr. Eung-Bok Chang — Doctor
- Abadula Gemeda Dago — Speaker, National Assembly of Ethiopia
- Billy Jang Hwan Kim — Former President of Baptist World Alliance and Far East Broadcasting Company Korea
- Dr. J. Bradley Creed — the fifth president of Campbell University in the USA.
- Ban Ki-moonthe 8th Secretary-General of the United Nations
- Juan Antonio Samaranch junior — vice-president of International Olympic Committee