Hammered (Hearne novel)

Hammered is the third novel in Kevin Hearne's urban fantasy series, The Iron Druid Chronicles and is the sequel to Hexed. It was released on July 5, 2011.

Plot introduction

Atticus O'Sullivan, last of the Druids, has lived for over 2,100 years, mostly by avoiding trouble. Though it appears that recently trouble has found him frequently. After dispatching a Celtic God fixated on vengeance, and preventing warring witch covens from devastating his hometown of Tempe, Arizona, Atticus hoped that he could focus on training his new initiate, the first in centuries. Instead, an old promise made to a friend leads him to band together with a werewolf, a vampire, an ancient Slavic thunder god, a Chinese Immortal, and a Finnish deity on a frantic mission to the land of Asgard. Their goal - to kill Thor.


In their review of Hammered, SFFWorld said that "Hearne and Atticus could be the logical heir to Butcher and Dresden."