Hamburguesas El Corral

Hamburguesas El Corral is a Colombian restaurant chain with more than 208 locations. El Corral operates in several formats: Free Stand, Food Court, HiperMarkets and Convenience Store. In 2001, El Corral opened its first Corral Gourmet restaurant, offering not only hamburgers with different gourmet toppings such as aged cheeses, Argentinian sausage, stir-fry vegetables and different bread options and a range of liquors in its bar. El Corral is operated by Va! Group.
It is estimated that the Colombian chain is first in the fast food sector in Colombia, with 40% of the market share.
In 2004, El Corral opened its first pub,
In 2014, Grupo Nutresa bought El Corral and Beer Station from previous owners Grupo Va!.

Global locations

El Corral has more than 208 restaurants in 30 Colombian cities.
In 2006, El Corral started its international operations opening the first restaurant outside Colombia in Panama. In 2013, El Corral opened its first restaurant in the United States located in Doral, Miami, Florida. El Corral has more than 15 restaurants in Latin America.
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