Halley (lunar crater)

Halley is a lunar impact crater that is intruding into the southern wall of the walled plain Hipparchus. Its diameter is 35 km. The crater is named after the English astronomer Edmond Halley. On the 1645 map by Michael van Langren, the crater is called Gansii, for the gansa of Francis Godwins The Man in the Moone. To the southwest of Halley is the large crater Albategnius, and due east lies the slightly smaller Hind.
The rim of Halley is somewhat worn, and a scar in the lunar surface passes through the western rim, forming a valley that runs to the south-southeast, near the rim of Albategnius. The interior floor of Halley is relatively flat.

Satellite craters

By convention these features are identified on lunar maps by placing the letter on the side of the crater midpoint that is closest to Halley.
B8.5° S4.5° E6 km
C8. S6.6° E5 km
G9. S5.6° E5 km
K8.6° S5.9° E5 km

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