
Haindling is a Bavarian band, founded in 1983 by Hans-Jürgen Buchner. The band specializes in Bavarian world music, a mixture of all kinds of different musical styles such as pop, rock, folk, ambient, jazz and classical music. Most of the songs are written in Bavarian language, and Haindling is famous for instrumentals and film scores composed by Hans-Jürgen Buchner. The name of the band derives from the small village Haindling within the town of Geiselhöring in Lower Bavaria where Hans-Jürgen Buchner resides in an old inn.


Haindling has composed music for television series and theatrical movies, including Irgendwie und Sowieso, Zur Freiheit, Café Meineid, Der Kaiser von Schexing, Der Schandfleck, Bavaria, Margarete Steiff, among others.


  1. Haindling 1
  2. Stilles Potpourri
  3. Spinn i
  4. Meuterei
  5. Höhlenmalerei
  6. Muh
  7. 7
  8. Haindling
  9. Weiß
  10. Perlen
  11. Zwischenlandung
  12. Tigerentenliederchen
  13. Filmmusik
  14. Karussell
  15. Vivaldi & Vier Jahreszeiten
  16. Ein Schaf denkt nach
