HD 85951

HD 85951, also designated HR 3923 and formally named Felis, is a star in the constellation of Hydra. Its apparent magnitude is 4.95. Based on parallax measurements it is about 530 light-years from the Sun.


HD 85951 is the star's entry in the Henry Draper Catalogue and HR 3923 that in the Bright Star Catalogue.
This was the brightest star in the now-obsolete constellation of Felis. In 2016, the IAU organized a Working Group on Star Names to catalog and standardize proper names for stars. The WGSN approved the name Felis for this star on 1 June 2018 and it is now so included in the List of IAU-approved Star Names.


This star is a K-type orange giant with a stellar classification of K5 III.