Hünenburg Telecommunication Tower

Hünenburg Telecommunication Tower is a 164 metre tall telecommunication tower of Deutsche Telekom AG on Hüneburg near Bielefeld.
Hünenburg Telecommunication Tower is a concrete tower of FMT 3/72 type and not open for tourists.
It was built in 1972 as replacement for a smaller telecommunication tower, built in 1952. After the construction of the Hünenburg Telecommunication Tower, the old telecommunication tower was rebuilt into an observation tower, whereby the antenna decks were removed and some intermediate ceilings were installed. Today, it is called the Hünenburg Observation Tower and houses a museum with its history and the history of Hünenburg Telecommunication Tower and a restaurant.
Hünenburg Telecommunication Tower has 40 metres above ground an equipment room with a volume of 2500 cubic metres. On it, there is in a height of 49.6 metres a deck with directional antennas. A second smaller antenna deck is situated 55 metres above ground. Further smaller decks for antennas with directional antennas are situated 89 and 123.5 metres above ground. Between a height of 123.5 and 146.25 metres there are on the red-white painted antenna mast the FM-broadcasting antennas fixed. The pinnacle above 146.5 metres carries a glass fibre cylinder with the UHF-TV-broadcasting antennas.

Radiated TV programmes (before digital switch-over)

ZDFE 33320 kW
WDR Studio BielefeldE 46500 kW
WDR Studio BielefeldE 46500 kW
Sat 1E 380.125 kW
RTLE 591 kW
VoxE 360.5 kW

Hünenburg Telecommunication Tower, Bielefeld, Germany Geographic Information.
Latitude   52.014660
Longitude  8.473570
Hünenburg Telecommunication Tower, Bielefeld, Germany Geographic Information
Latitude 52.014660
Longitude 8.473570