Hôtel du Poët

The Hôtel du Poët is a listed hôtel particulier in Aix-en-Provence.


It is located on the Place Forbin at the top of the Cours Mirabeau in Aix-en-Provence.


In 1730, Henri Gautier purchased some land at the top of the Cours Mirabeau, where there was an old watermill. He commissioned architect Georges Vallon to design a hôtel particulier: the Hôtel du Poët. Later, it was home to a chemist and a printing press.
It is an example of baroque architecture. The facade has mascarons. Inside, the main staircase has columns, and Louis XVI handrails with the Poët escutcheons.

Heritage significance

It has been listed as a "monument historique" since November 3, 1987.