gvSIG is a geographic information system, that is, a desktop application designed for capturing, storing, handling, analyzing and deploying any kind of referenced geographic information in order to solve complex management and planning problems. gvSIG is known for having a user-friendly interface, being able to access the most common formats, both vector and raster ones. It features a wide range of tools for working with geographic-like information.
gvSIG is known for:
The first part of the abbreviation stands for Generalitat Valenciana, the Spanish regional authority that the system was originally developed for. The latter part, SIG, is the Spanish equivalent for the English GIS.

Features gvSIG Desktop

Typical tools in a full-fledged desktop GIS client can also be found in gvSIG, among other things:
Sextante GIS has been ported to a plugin for gvSIG adding a host of raster and vector analysis functions in addition to gvSIG's impressive built-in vector analysis tools. Within Sextante, GRASS GIS can be used as extension to make its algorithms available to gvSIG users.

gvSIG Mobile

gvSIG Mobile aims at broadening gvSIG execution platforms to a range of mobile devices, in order to give an answer to the needs of a growing number of mobile solutions users, who wish to use a GIS on different types of devices.
So far, gvSIG Mobile is a Geographic Information System, as well as a Spatial Data Infrastructures client for mobile devices. Such a client is also the first one licensed under open source.
gvSIG Mobile is known for:
Typical tools in a mobile GIS client can also be found in gvSIG Mobile: