Guybon Atherstone

Guybon Damant Atherstone M. Inst. C.E. AKC, South African railway engineer.


Atherstone was the son of William Guybon Atherstone and was born in Grahamstown on 20 June 1843, he attended St. Andrew's College, Grahamstown and King's College London where he qualified as a civil engineer.

Railway engineering

Atherstone was employed at the Cape Government Railways as an engineer from 1873 to 1896 during which he built the railway line between Alicedale and Grahamstown. The house in which he lived during the construction is adjacent to a stone arch railway bridge which he built. On completion of the railway project Atherstone's house was converted into an Anglican church, St. Cyprians Anglican Church, which was dedicated on 29 November 1893. This church is part of the Diocese of Grahamstown and is located at. Atherstone is also remembered in the naming of the Atherstone railway siding on that line, the siding is located at.