Gundam Ace

Gundam Ace is a monthly Japanese shōnen manga magazine published by Kadokawa Shoten. It largely focuses on the Gundam franchise. There was a Chinese version published by Kadokawa Media Co., Ltd, discontinued in 2008.


Gundam Ace started as a quarterly publication from vol.1 to 3, moved to a bi-monthly publication from vol.4, and on April 25, 2003 it became a monthly publication. The producer is Shinichirou Inoue of Kadokawa Shoten who also produces Newtype and Shonen Ace. The chief editor is Hideaki Kobayashi.
The magazine contains a number of common features found in official fan magazines, including news on upcoming Gundam series and merchandise.

Currently serialized titles

Many of the manga titles running in the magazine serve as promotion or parody the Gundam series/fandom.
Most issues of Gundam Ace contain at least one 'free gift' item. These may be used to promote a current Gundam work or based on original manga appearing in the magazine. In the three months leading up to the premiere of Mobile Suit Gundam 00, the magazine gave away a 00 pencil board, sticker sheet and poster. A continuing series has been keychains depicting Mobile Suit Gundam characters as chickens, based on a popular manga of the same concept. Other items given away include CM collection CD-ROMs, exclusive alternate manga cover sleeves and cardboard calendar cubes.
