Gullstrand–Painlevé coordinates

Gullstrand–Painlevé coordinates are a particular set of coordinates for the Schwarzschild metric – a solution to the Einstein field equations which describes a black hole. The ingoing coordinates are such that the time coordinate follows the proper time of a free-falling observer who starts from far away at zero velocity, and the spatial slices are flat. There is no coordinate singularity at the Schwarzschild radius. The outgoing ones are simply the time reverse of ingoing coordinates.
The solution was proposed independently by Paul Painlevé in 1921 and Allvar Gullstrand in 1922. It was not recognized until 1933 in Lemaître's paper
that these solutions were simply coordinate transformations of the usual Schwarzschild solution.


The derivation of GP coordinates requires defining the following coordinate systems and understanding how data measured for events in one coordinate system is interpreted in another coordinate system.
Convention: The units for the variables are all geometrized. Time and mass have units in meters. The speed of light in flat spacetime has a value of 1. The gravitational constant has a value of 1.
The metric is expressed in the +−−− sign convention.

Schwarzschild coordinates

A Schwarzschild observer is a far observer or a bookkeeper. He does not directly make measurements of events that occur in different places. Instead, he is far away from the black hole and the events. Observers local to the events are enlisted to make measurements and send the results to him. The bookkeeper gathers and combines the reports from various places. The numbers in the reports are translated into data in Schwarzschild coordinates, which provide a systematic means of evaluating and describing the events globally. Thus, the physicist can compare and interpret the data intelligently. He can find meaningful information from these data. The Schwarzschild form of the Schwarzschild metric using Schwarzschild coordinates is given by

GP coordinates

Define a new time coordinate by
for some arbitrary function. Substituting in the Schwarzschild metric one gets
If we now choose such that the term multiplying is unity, we get
and the metric becomes
The spatial metric is simply the flat metric expressed in spherical polar coordinates. This metric is regular along the horizon where r=2M, since, although the temporal term goes to zero, the off-diagonal term in the metric is still non-zero and ensures that the metric is still invertible.
The function is given by
The function is clearly singular at r=2M as it must be to remove that singularity in the Schwarzschild metric.

Motion of raindrop

Define a raindrop as an object which plunges radially toward a black hole from rest at infinity.
In Schwarzschild coordinates, the velocity of a raindrop is given by
In GP coordinates, the velocity is given by
Integrate the equation of motion:
Using this result for the speed of the raindrop we can find the proper time along the trajectory of the raindrop in terms of the time . We have
I.e. along the rain drops trajectory, the elapse of time is exactly the proper time along the trajectory. One could have defined the GP coordinates by this requirement, rather than by demanding that the spatial surfaces be flat.
A closely related set of coordinates is the Lemaître coordinates, in which the "radial" coordinate is chosen to be constant along the paths of the raindrops. Since r changes as the raindrops fall, this metric is time dependent while the GP metric is time independent.
The metric obtained if, in the above, we take the function f to be the negative of what we choose above is also called the GP coordinate system. The only change in the metric is that cross term changes sign. This metric is regular for outgoing raindrops—i.e. particles which leave the black hole travelling outward with just escape velocity so that their speed at infinity is zero. In the usual GP coordinates, such particles cannot be described for r<2M. They have a zero value for at r=2M. This is an indication that the Schwarzschild black hole has two horizons, a past horizon, and a future horizon. The Original form of the GP coordinates is regular across the future horizon while the alternative negative version is regular across the past horizon.
The Kruskal–Szekeres coordinates are regular across both horizons at the expense of making the metric strongly dependent on the time coordinate.

Speeds of light

Assume radial motion. For light, Therefore,

  1. No object should have speed greater than the speed of light as measured in the same reference frame. Thus, the principle of causality is preserved. Indeed, the speed of raindrop is less than that of light:
  2. The time of travel for light shining inward from event horizon to the center of black hole can be obtained by integrating the equation for the velocity of light,
    The result is

    1. The light travel time for a stellar black hole with a typical size of 3 solar masses is about 11 microseconds.
    2. Ignoring effects of rotation, for Sagittarius A*, the supermassive black hole residing at the center of the Milky Way, with mass of 3.7 million solar masses, the light travel time is about 14 seconds.
    3. The supermassive black hole at the center of Messier 87, a giant elliptical galaxy in the Virgo Cluster, is the biggest known black hole. It has a mass of approximately 3 billion solar masses. It would take about 3 hours for light to travel to the central singularity of such a supermassive black hole, and for raindrop, 5 hours.

A rain observer's view of the universe

How does the universe look like as seen by a rain observer plunging into the black hole? The view can be described by the following equations:
Because of spherical symmetry, the trajectory of light always lies in a plane passing through the center of sphere. It's possible to simplify the metric by assuming .
The impact parameter can be computed knowing the rain observer's r-coordinate and viewing angle . Then, the actual angle of the distant star, is determined by numerically integrating from to infinity. A chart of the sample results is shown at right.
Both Painlevé and Gulstrand used this solution to argue that Einstein's theory was incomplete in that it gave multiple solutions for the gravitational field of a spherical body, and moreover gave different physics. The "trick" of the Painlevé proposal was that he no longer stuck to a full quadratic form but instead, allowed a cross time-space product making the metric form no longer static but stationary and no longer direction symmetric but preferentially oriented.
In a second, longer paper, Painlevé explains how he derived his solution by directly solving Einstein's equations for a generic spherically symmetric form of the metric.
The result, equation of his paper, depended on two arbitrary functions of the r coordinate yielding a double infinity of solutions. We now know that these simply represent a variety of choices of both the time and radial coordinates.
Painlevé wrote to Einstein to introduce his solution and invited Einstein to Paris for a debate. In Einstein's reply letter,
he apologized for not being in a position to visit soon and explained why he was not pleased with Painlevé's arguments, emphasising that the coordinates themselves have no meaning. Finally, Einstein came to Paris in early April. On the 5th of April 1922, in a debate at the "Collège de France" with Painlevé, Becquerel, Brillouin, Cartan, De Donder, Hadamard, Langevin and Nordmann on "the infinite potentials", Einstein, baffled by the non quadratic cross term in the line element, rejected the Painlevé solution.