
Guitiriz is a City Council known for its spa of mineral water in the Terra Chá Region, Province of Lugo in North-western Spain.


  1. Becín
  2. Buriz
  3. Labrada
  4. Lagostelle
  5. Mariz
  6. As Negradas
  7. Parga
  8. Pedrafita
  9. Pígara
  10. Roca
  11. Trasparga
  12. Vilar
  13. Vilares de Parga

    History and tourism

Though the early settlers were of Celtic origin and the Romans knew about the therapeutic properties of the thermae, it was not till the arrival of the Suebi after the collapse of the Roman Empire that this Spa Town became really popular for the first time in the 6th century. The name "Guitiriz" is derived from "Witirici", the Latin genitive of Witiricus meaning "the place owned by Witiricus".
In the 14th century the entire Terra Chá Region ended up as part of the domains of Fernán Pérez de Andrade whose family were to become the First Counts of Villalba during the reign of the Catholic Monarchs.
Amongst other remains in the area is a well conserved medieval fortification, the Castle of Parga, and a Gothic bridge.
of Guitiriz