Guará Area of Relevant Ecological Interest

The Guará Area of Relevant Ecological Interest is an area of relevant ecological interest in the state of São Paulo, Brazil.


The Guará Area of Relevant Ecological Interest is divided between the municipalities of Iguape and Ilha Comprida in the state of São Paulo.
It has an area of.
It covers the northwestern tip of the island of Ilha Comprida.


The Guará Area of Relevant Ecological Interest was created by decree 53527 of 8 October 2008, which also created the Litoral Sul Marine Environmental Protection Area.
The two were to have the same management council, which was established on 19 December 2008.
The ARIE is administered by the São Paulo Forestry Foundation.
A company was hired in 2013 to prepare a management plan for São Paulo's three marine environmental protection areas and the ARIE, but the work was not completed.
In August 2016 a fresh start on a management plan was made by the Ekos Institute.