Guácimo (canton)

Guácimo is the sixth canton in the province of Limón in Costa Rica. The canton covers an area of 576.48 km², and has a population of 37,549. Its capital city is also called Guácimo.
The canton is the only canton in the province of Limón that does not touch the Caribbean Sea. Its northern border is marked by the Río Esperanza and the Río Jiménez, which also forms the western border. The Río Destierro and Río Parismina delineate the eastern boundary, and the canton reaches into the Cordillera Central in the south.


The canton of Guácimo is subdivided into five districts :
  1. Guácimo, postal code 70601, coordinates
  2. * Neighborhoods : África, Cantarrana, Guayacán
  3. * Villages : Aguacate, Angelina, Bosque, Cabaña, Edén, El Tres, Estación Rudín, Fox Hall, Guaira, Hogar, Parismina, Selva
  4. Mercedes, postal code 70602, coordinates
  5. * Neighborhoods : Bremen
  6. * Villages : Argentina, Confianza, Iroquois
  7. Pocora, postal code 70603, coordinates
  8. * Neighborhoods : Pocora Sur
  9. * Villages : El Carmen
  10. Río Jiménez, postal code 70604, coordinates
  11. * Villages : Ángeles, Bocas del Río Silencio, Camarón, Cartagena, Dulce Nombre, Escocia, Irlanda, Ligia, Santa María, Socorro
  12. Duacarí, postal code 70605, coordinates
  13. * Villages : Aguas Gatas, Carambola, Castaño, Esperanza, Fruta de Pan, Limbo, Zancudo


The canton was established by law on May 8, 1971.