Green Manor

Green Manor is a Franco-Belgian comics series written by Fabien Vehlmann, illustrated by Denis Bodart and published by Dupuis in French and Cinebook in English. I's a humoristic detective series set in the United Kingdom at the end of the 19th century.


  1. Assassins et Gentlemen - Jan 2001
  2. De l'inconvénient d'être mort - Feb 2002
  3. Fantaisies meurtrières - Apr 2005


is publishing Green Manor. The last two volumes have been compiled together into one English volume.:
  1. Assassins and Gentlemen - May 2008
  2. The Inconvenience of Being Dead - Sept 2008


The first Cinebook volume was reviewed by who complimented the structure and writing, said that "he art is gorgeous," before concluding that "he book might be nearly $14, but the art and the storytelling density make for a better value than what that number looks like on the page."


The title was nominated for the 2002 Angoulême International Comics Festival Prize for Scenario.