Great rhombihexahedron

In geometry, the great rhombihexahedron is a nonconvex uniform polyhedron, indexed as U21. It has 18 faces, 48 edges, and 24 vertices. Its dual is the great rhombihexacron. Its vertex figure is a crossed quadrilateral.

Orthogonal projections


Traditional filling

Modulo-2 filling

Related polyhedra

It shares the vertex arrangement with the convex truncated cube. It additionally shares its edge arrangement with the nonconvex great rhombicuboctahedron, and with the great cubicuboctahedron.

Truncated cube

Nonconvex great rhombicuboctahedron

Great cubicuboctahedron

Great rhombihexahedron

It may be constructed as the exclusive or of three octagrammic prisms. Similarly, the small rhombihexahedron may be constructed as the exclusive or of three octagonal prisms.

Great rhombihexacron

The great rhombihexacron is a nonconvex isohedral polyhedron. It is the dual of the uniform great rhombihexahedron. It has 24 identical bow-tie-shaped faces, 18 vertices, and 48 edges.
It has 12 outer vertices which have the same vertex arrangement as the cuboctahedron, and 6 inner vertices with the vertex arrangement of an octahedron.
As a surface geometry, it can be seen as visually similar to a Catalan solid, the disdyakis dodecahedron, with much taller rhombus-based pyramids joined to each face of a rhombic dodecahedron.