Great Plain of the Koukdjuak

The Great Plain of the Koukdjuak is located in the Qikiqtaaluk Region, Nunavut within the Canadian Arctic. It is the namesake of the Koukdjuak River in western Baffin Island on the southeastern coast of Foxe Basin. It stretches from Cory Bay to Hantzsch Bay, and then inland.


The plain is about long, wide and has an area of. It is characterized as a broad, flat, water-logged lowland with a tidal zone that may extend as far as inland. The Plain's boundaries include raised beach ridges inland and granite outcrops to the south. Its tundra covers clay soils, limestone and shale bedrock.


It is notable for migratory bird and wildlife habitat. The plain supports the largest goose colony in the world. It is a breeding ground or habitat for lesser snow geese, Canada geese, oldsquaw, king eider, common eider, and Atlantic brant. It is a natural habitat for shorebirds, such as the red phalarope. It is classified as an Important Bird Area, an International Biological Program designated site and a Key Habitat Site.

Conservation status