Granny Peace Brigade

The Granny Peace Brigade is an active anti-war demonstration group in New York City made up of older women dedicated to the goal of peace with justice domestically and globally. The GPB frequently collaborates with Code Pink, The Raging Grannies and Peace Action and is one of many local activist groups seeking a safe and peaceful world for all people, especially children.
Arrested on October 17, 2005 and later acquitted for attempting to enlist in the military at the recruitment center in Times Square, the GPB works on such initiatives as counter-recruitment, opposition to militarization on a global scale, social networking for phone-a-thons, Teach-Ins,anti-Drone work,No War Toys actions at holiday time, anti-Occupation actionsand education on how we want our taxes used,and direct action at military bases, corporate and government offices.


The Grannies were initially formed when a group of women, members of seven groups , approached military recruiters and demanded to be sent to Iraq in order to replace young people who were used as cannon fodder by the US military. The Granny Peace Brigade name was adopted for identification purposes after the women decided to continue working together as a group.