Granger High School (Utah)

Granger High School is a public high school located in West Valley City, Utah, United States.
The school enrollment for the 2009–10 school year was 1,736 with 77 teachers, for a teacher to student ratio of 22.3. The school enrollment for the 2015-16 school year is over 3,200 students with 125 teachers, for a teacher to student ratio of 25.6.
The mascot is the Granger Lancer. The school was designed with a King Arthur theme, hence the cafeteria is known as Stonehenge, and the school's colors are the same as King Arthur's.
Granger High belongs to the Granite School District. It was first opened in 1958.
Granger's students are 38.4% Caucasian, 41.6% Hispanic,12.6% Asian/Pacific Islander, 2.3% Native American and 3.2% African-American.
Granger High School offers many competitive and non-competitive athletic, academic, and extra-curricular options. Students can choose from Accolade, AVID, band, baseball, basketball, choir, cross country, cheerleading, Dance Company, DECA, Debate, FBLA, FCCLA, football, French Club, Glee, GTV, golf, Japanese Club, Key Club, Lancer Action Team, Latin Club, Latinos in Action, Madrigals, Math Club, MESA, NHS, Orchestra, SkillsUSA, soccer, softball, Spanish Club, Stage Crew, Sterling Scholars, Student Government, swimming, tennis, theatre, track and field, Tri-Color Times, volleyball, wrestling, Yearbook, and the Excaliburs drill team.
The current principal of Granger High School is Dr. David Dunn. The current assistant principals are Dottie Alo, Ben Anderson, David Beck, Shawn Neilson, and Jeff Jackson. As of the 2013–14 school year, students of Granger are attending school in a brand new building. The new high school is the biggest in the state of Utah.