Grande Région

The Grande Région or Großregion programme lies within the Interreg IV A programme of the European Union's European Regional Development Fund. It facilitates cooperation between project partners from the different parts of the Greater Region of Luxembourg: Luxembourg, the Belgian provinces of Luxembourg and Liège, the French Lorraine region as well as the Saarland and large parts of Rhineland-Palatinate. The programme covers the period 2007-2013. Projects approved within the programme receive financial aid of up to 50% of their budget.


The following programmes were forerunners of the current INTERREG IV Greater Region programme:
The programme facilitates cross-border cooperation among the different stakeholders of the Greater Region and promotes the realisation of local and regional projects.

Programme partners

Eleven bodies within the Greater Region are the programme partners:
The programme has three main focuses: "economy", "space" and "humans".


The aim is to boost competitiveness of the interregional economy, to promote innovation and improve the labour market.
Improve the quality of life, enhance of the attractiveness of the different areas and protection of the environment.
Promote acquisition and diffusion of knowledge, use of cultural resources and strengthening of social cohesion.
As of 2010 66 projects have been approved and will get financial support from Interreg.