Grand Panetier of France

The Grand Panetier of France was one of the Great Officers of the Crown of France, a member of the Maison du Roi, one of the Great Offices of the Maison du Roi, and functional chief of the " paneterie" or bread department.

French history

Originally the paneterie one of the two sections of the gobelet du roi with a staff of 12 sommeliers, four aides, one garde-vaiselle, two porters and a lavandier, helping him to wash, prepare and gather again all the royal table utensils, as well as the bread. In time some of these duties were transferred to other sections, so his function at the King's table became ceremonial. Under the Sun King his was one of the seven sections of the bouche du Roi or king's table.
He did gain several privileges, including jurisdiction over the corporation of bakers in Paris.
The office was made hereditary in the noble family of Cossé de Brissac in the 16th century; the last incumbent died in 1782.
In heraldry, he placed below his shield, left and right, a nef d'or and a cadenas, golden objects placed near the King's setting at the table.
