Grand Mosque of Dakar

The Dakar Grand Mosque is one of the most important religious buildings in Dakar, Senegal. It is situated on Allée Pape Gueye Fall.


Designed by French and Moroccan architects, The Grand Mosque was opened in 1964 by Hassan II, King of Morocco and Senegalese President Léopold Sédar Senghor.


Richly decorated on the interior and exterior, it is stylistically similar to the Mausoleum of Mohammed V in Casablanca. Its minaret rises to 67 meters.

''Institut islamique de Dakar''

Created in 1964 and situated in the enceinte of the Grand Mosque, the Institut islamique is a public institution under the direction of the Senegalese Minister of Education, dedicated to Islamic research and teaching. The library of the Institute, named for prince Naef Ben Abdelaziz Al-Saoud was opened 9 October 2004.