Government Laboratory High School

The Government Laboratory High School is a school located in Dhanmondi, Dhaka, Bangladesh. The school was established on 3 September 1961.


The principal of the adjacent Govt. Teachers' Training College, Muhammad Osman Gani, sought to establish a facility to assist his trainees practice teaching. From this idea, Government Laboratory High School was created. The school was inaugurated in 1961 by the then Director of the Department of Public Instruction, Muhammad Shamsul Haque. The first headmaster was Khan Muhammad Salek, who went on to serve for 12 years.
Below is a list of the first teachers at the school, upon its opening.
The Directorate General of Secondary and Higher Education, Dhaka, divides the city's government schools into three groups: A, B, and C. Government Laboratory High School is in group A. Candidates may apply to multiple schools, but to no more than one in each group. Admission to class 1 is by lottery. Admission tests for classes 2 through 8 are administered in mid-December. Admission to class 9 depends on Junior School Certificate or Junior Dakhil Certificate results.

Class and section system

During initial planning it was envisaged that study would start from class 3. However, due to eagerness from both Muhammad Osman Gani and Khan Muhammad Salek, classes 1 and 2 were included. Class 8 was the highest offered during the first academic year. Class 9 was added the following year, and class 10 the year after that, so the school's first Secondary School Certificate examinations took place in 1964.
Classes are usually divided into four sections, 'A', 'B', 'C' and 'D', containing 60 - 90 students each. The students' day is split into two shifts, 'Morning' and 'Day', with two sections studying in each half of the day.
In 2007, due to more the admittance of a greater number of meritorious students than there were allotted seats, this system was extended in class 1. This included two extra sections, 'E' and 'F' and three sections studying during each shift.

House culture and tiffin system

The students are grouped into four houses for participation in competitions. The houses are named after four legends which each represent a human quality: Al Biruni, Al Ma'mun, Omar Khayam and Salahuddin. Each house has a color: yellow, blue, green and red respectively.
In 1962 a system for distributing tiffin was introduced. Money is deducted from the students' academic fees each month which entitles them to such snacks as singara, samucha, nimki, paratha and bundia or daal, jilapi, chopbun, cake, bananas, mangoes, oranges, bread, eggs, and sweets.


From class 1 to 12 the uniform is a white shirt with full-length navy blue pants and white keds. For all classes the school's monogram, which was designed by Zainul Abedin, is printed on the shirt pocket.


The first examinees attended the Secondary School Certificate examination from this school in 1964. That year a Government Lab student achieved fourth place in the merit list. The highest success came in 1993. That year 27 students from this school had positions on the merit list. They took 17 out of 20 places from the merit list. Almost in every year in almost every public examination Government Lab achieves the honor of 100% passing students; not just passing Government Lab students pass with very good numbers in almost every year.

Co-curricular activities

There are some clubs and organizations to help co-curricular activities: Bangladesh National Cadet Corps, Scouting and Red Crescent. The notable clubs are Debating Club of the Laboratorians, Quiz Club of the Laboratorians, Science Club of The Laboratorians,, English Club of the Laboratorians, Book Club of the Laboratorians, and Laboratorians Astronomy Club. There also Photography club, History club and Math club.


The library has approximately 7,500 books. Most of them were bought by coeval sanctioned money during the establishment of the school. Others were bought by annually approved money.

School day

The 'birthday' of the school is 3 September, which is celebrated as the 'school day'. Academic programs are cancelled and functions are organized in each of the sections. Students decorate their classes with balloons, posters, pictures, and colored paper, and they publish wall magazines containing their own stories and poems, which teachers and guardians come to admire. Students sometimes give invitation letters to their teachers to visit their room. Sometimes a birthday cake is cut celebrating the birthday of the school.

School magazine

The school magazine is Anushilan which was first published in 1963; the editor was Kazi Nurul Huq.The magazine is not published regularly every year. There is also a magazine given to class 10 for their farewell named Satirtha Parichiti.


There is an organization of the ex-students of the school named the Old Laboratorians Association. The aim of the organization is mainly to organize reunions amongst the ex-students of this school. Advertisements of OLsA's functions are published through the national dailies and its website.
