
Gotteslob is the title of the hymnbook authorized by the Catholic dioceses in Germany, Austria, South Tyrol, Luxembourg and Liège, Belgium. First published in Advent 2013, it is the current official hymnal for German-speaking Catholics, succeeding the first common German hymnal, the 1975 edition of the same name. Each diocese published a book containing a common section and a regional section. The first editions amounted to around 4 million copies.


Gotteslob was developed as a sequel of the first common German hymnal, Gotteslob of 1975. It was developed over a period of 10 years by around 100 experts, who studied the use of hymns, conducting surveys and running tests in selected congregations. Gotteslob was published by Catholic dioceses in Germany, Austria, South Tyrol, and is also used by German-speaking parishes in Luxembourg and the Diocese of Liège, Belgium. It was introduced from Advent 2013, beginning on 1 December. It is intended to serve as a hymnal for church services as well as for private use. The first editions were around 4 million copies.
Each diocese published a book containing a common section called Stammteil, and a regional section with hymns for the specific diocese. The common section includes a.

Changes in 2013

Some songs were composed for the 2013 edition, including the melody for "Heilig, heilig, heilig Gott" by Oliver Sperling. Some songs were moved from regional sections to the common section, including Christoph Bernhard Verspoell's Christmas carol "Menschen, die ihr wart verloren". Some songs were added, including Tersteegen's "Gott ist gegenwärtig", the penitental "Zeige uns, Herr, deine Allmacht und Güte", written in 1982 by Raymund Weber to an older melody, and the midsummer hymn "Das Jahr steht auf der Höhe".


Hymns include "Den Herren will ich loben" and others by Maria Luise Thurmair. "Ein Haus voll Glorie schauet" is a popular hymn for consecration of a church and its anniversaries.
Among the regional hymns are the Easter hymn "Das Grab ist leer, der Held erwacht" and the Marian hymn "Nun, Brüder, sind wir frohgemut".


Gotteslob was critically received as a book by too few experts, with too little input from the practicing congregations.