Gotrek and Felix

Gotrek and Felix is a series of novels in the Warhammer Fantasy setting by William King, Nathan Long, Josh Reynolds, and David Guymer.


The novels chronicle the adventures of a Dwarven Slayer named Gotrek Gurnisson and his poet/insurrectionist companion, Felix Jaeger. As a Slayer, Gotrek seeks a glorious death in battle to atone for his unknown sins. Felix, bound to him by a Dwarven blood-oath sworn after a drinking binge, is tasked with writing and recording his heroic exploits and ultimately his death. Felix, however, has long since come to adopt the opinion that "anything capable of killing the Slayer would finish me off shortly afterwards". Together they have travelled the length and breadth of the Old World and beyond, fighting against all manners of evil from orcs to undead to the forces of Chaos so that Gotrek might finally fulfill his Slayer Oath by dying in battle.
As well as appearing in the novels they have also been incorporated into the Warhammer Fantasy Battle game appearing initially as special characters in the 4th edition Dwarf army book and then gaining rules as a regiment of renown in the 6th edition of the game. The characters also make an appearance in the Warhammer Fantasy MMORPG.


  1. Trollslayer by William King
  2. Skavenslayer by William King
  3. Daemonslayer by William King
  4. Dragonslayer by William King
  5. Beastslayer by William King
  6. Vampireslayer by William King
  7. Giantslayer by William King
  8. Orcslayer by Nathan Long
  9. Manslayer by Nathan Long
  10. Elfslayer by Nathan Long
  11. Shamanslayer by Nathan Long
  12. Zombieslayer by Nathan Long
  13. Road of Skulls by Josh Reynolds
  14. City of the Damned by David Guymer
  15. The Serpent Queen by Josh Reynolds
  16. Kinslayer by David Guymer
  17. Slayer by David Guymer

    Novellas and Short Stories

Gotrek and Felix make appearances in many Warhammer Army books during the fourth edition of the game as well as an old version of the magic rulebook for Warhammer Fantasy Battles:
Several characters introduced in the Gotrek and Felix series are featured in their own novels:

Ulrika the Vampire

  1. Bloodborn by Nathan Long
  2. Bloodforged by Nathan Long
  3. Bloodsworn by Nathan Long

    Grey Seer Thanquol

  4. Grey Seer by C.L. Werner
  5. Temple of the Serpent by C.L. Werner
  6. Thanquol's Doom by C.L. Werner
  7. Mind-Stealer by C.L. Werner
