Google Domains

Google Domains is an internet domain name registration service offered by Google.
Google Domains offers domain registration, DNS hosting, DNSSEC, Dynamic DNS, domain forwarding, and email forwarding. It also offers one-click DNS configuration that connects the domains with Blogger, Google Sites, Squarespace,, Weebly and Shopify. The service is accredited by ICANN.
Google Domains was publicly launched under a beta test mode on January 13, 2015 and still remains in beta as of March 2020.


On September 29, 2015, a former Google employee Sanmay Ved managed to buy the domain from Google via Google Domains, and gain full webmaster control. Google later acknowledged the purchase, and rewarded Ved with the sum of 6006.13 dollars. He in turn asked to donate the reward to charities. As a result, Google doubled the amount. The reason for the unusual amount was that it should represent the Google lettering.