
Gonatodes is a genus of New World dwarf geckos of the family Sphaerodactylidae.


The majority of the species in the genus Gonatodes are diurnally active, scansorial, and sexually dichromatic, with adult body size ranging from for known species.


The diets of the various species of Gonatodes are composed mainly of very small arthropods.


size is one, with most species producing several clutches per year, and some utilizing communal egg-laying sites.


Most species are humid tropical forest dwelling, with relatively fewer species utilizing more open, drier habitats at forest edge, tropical dry seasonal forest and scrub forest. Some species are able to utilize even more open human modified environments; in some cases including highly urbanized areas. Gonatodes usually spend most of their active hours perched anywhere from ground level to about 0.6 metres above ground, sometimes up to 2 or 3 metres, on vertical or near vertical surfaces of tree trunks, tree stumps, logs and sometimes rocks. They seldom sit exposed to direct strong sunlight, and most seem to prefer shade or less exposure to direct sun light.

Geographic range

Species of Gonatodes are found in Central America including southern Mexico, a few Caribbean Islands and the northern part of South America, including Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guyana, French Guiana, Suriname, parts of Brazil, Venezuela, the islands of Trinidad and Tobago, and some of the small islands just off the cost of northern South America.

Introduced species

Human mediated introductions have occurred with Gonatodes caudiscutatus in the Galapagos Islands and G. albogularis in Florida. In addition, some species have been transplanted by human activity to various regions within the general range of the genus where the particular species did not previously exist.


The following 33 species are recognized as being valid. Some subspecies are also listed.
Nota bene: A binomial authority or trinomial authority in parentheses indicates that the species or subspecies was originally described in a genus other than Gonatodes.