Global Talk Show

Global Talk Show, also known as Misuda, was a South Korean television program on Korean Broadcasting System. The show features a panel of foreign women residing in South Korea, usually as international students, who discussed their experiences and cultures in a talk show format in the Korean language. After high viewer ratings from its first broadcast on October 7, 2006 during the Chuseok holiday, it became a regularly broadcast program starting November 26, 2006. Its final episode was aired on Christmas 2010.


The show's name has been variously translated as Chat with Beauties, Chatting Beauties, Beautiess Chatterbox, or Misuda.
The show was hosted by Nam Hui-seok, a television personality and comedian. Later on, announcer Eom Ji-in joined as co-host, and eventually Lee Yun-seok and Seo Gyeong-seok became the final hosts. The song "Bring It All Back" by S Club 7 is played after the opening cut to the studio floor that follows the playing of the opening intro and the viewer advisory that it is a rated "15" program. Unlike most talk shows, Global Talk Show does not have a live studio audience and instead uses audience laughter and applause tracks as well as on-screen text and sound effects.
In 2009 the program came under attack, receiving widespread criticism by internet users after a student panelist labeled short men as "losers". The program suffered a decline in popularity thereafter and was later cancelled. Nevertheless, the popularity of the program gave celebrity status within South Korea to some of the panelists. A portion of the program was also published as a book featuring the same subject.







Notable alumnae

Many Misuda graduates have gone on to become highly active in the entertainment industry both in Korea and abroad: