Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System

The Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System is a global network of laboratories that has for purpose to monitor the spread of influenza with the aim to provide the World Health Organization with influenza control information. It was established in 1952 to conduct global influenza surveillance. GISRS is coordinated by WHO and endorsed by national governments. More than two million respiratory specimens are tested by GISRS annually to monitor the spread and evolution of influenza viruses through a network of about 150 laboratories in 114 countries representing 91% of the world's population. GISRS operates FluNet, an online tool used for virological surveillance of influenza.


GISRS has the purpose to protect people from the threat of influenza. The system aims at continuously functioning as a:
The mission of GISRS can be listed as follows:
In 1947, the WHO Interim Committee of the United Nations agreed to begin a Global Influenza Programme for the study and control of influenza. A major outbreak of influenza in Europe was an immediate concern, as well as the identification of appropriate viruses for a vaccine against the virus strains which might be circulating. The establishment of regional influenza centers began in 1948. Five years after the creation of GIP, the Global Influenza Surveillance Network was established in response to a need for an influenza surveillance system to inform the methods for disease prevention and control. GISN would later be renamed Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System, evolving as an integrated scientific and technical global collaboration to fulfil the objectives and activities of GIP. GISRS gained momentum between the 1957 and 1968 pandemics. The growing network of national influenza centers focused on understanding disease activity and characteristics of influenza viruses globally. Through these efforts, the realization that the viruses were not only present in tropical countries but might circulate for much of the year was confirmed.


As of 2015, GISRS comprised 142 national influenza centers in 115 countries, 6 collaborating centers, 4 essential regulatory laboratories, and 13 H5 reference laboratories.


GISRS has been considered an accomplished tool in providing early warning of changes in influenza viruses circulating in the global population to help mitigate the consequences of a pandemic and maintain the efficacy of seasonal influenza vaccines.