Global Award for Sustainable Architecture

The Global Award for Sustainable Architecture™ was founded in 2006 by architect and professor Jana Revedin. The Global Award Community, which consists of the 65 contemporary architects or architects collectives from around the globe who have received the award, works towards a sustainable architectural ethic and fosters research, experimentation and transmission in the fields of sustainable architecture, urban renewal and academic social responsibility. It defines architecture as an agent of empowerment, self-development and civic rights.
Each year the award honours five architects who share a belief in more sustainable development and who have pioneered innovative and holistic approaches in their own communities, in western and emerging countries, in developed cities and precarious districts, in megalopolises and in the countryside. The Award is partnered with Museum of Finnish Architecture, International Architecture Biennale of Ljubljana and the Università Iuav di Venezia. The Award for Sustainable Architecture is run by the Cité de l'Architecture et du Patrimoine and is supported by BOUYGUES Batiment International and BNP Paribas Real Estate. Since 2011, the Award for Sustainable Architecture is under the Patronage of UNESCO.
The laureates of the Global Award for Sustainable Architecture are selected by a scientific committee. The 2017 committee included Jana Revedin, Marie-Hélène Contal, Benno Albrecht, Kristiina Nivari, Spela Hudnik and honorary members, Patrice Doat and Anne Feenstra.
Each year, the winners' projects, ideas and practices are gathered in a book: Sustainable Design, Vers une nouvelle éthique pour l'architecture et la ville / Towards a new ethics for architecture and the city, directed and co-written by Marie-Hélène Contal and Jana Revedin, and coedited by the Editions Alternatives and the Cité de l'Architecture et du patrimoine. The book number 7 is dedicated to the 2018 Global Awards.


The 2019 edition celebrates the Centenary of Walter Gropius’ Bauhaus by honoring "the multidisciplinary and social-reformatory aim of the Bauhaus" that is: "Architecture is science, art and crafts at the service of society." The winners are:
The 2018 edition's theme is "Architecture as an agent of civic empowerment". The winners are:
The 2017 edition is dedicated to the "invisible resources": "an architecture of resources which includes the immaterial and invisible agents of time, rights, community, processes, flows, interdisciplinary dialogue, resilience, senses and experimentation." Winners are: