Global Atheist Convention

The Global Atheist Convention has been run twice in Melbourne, Australia, sponsored by the Atheist Foundation of Australia and Atheist Alliance International. The first convention was held from 12 to 14 March 2010 and the second from 13 to 15 of April 2012.

''The Rise of Atheism''

The first convention, titled The Rise of Atheism, was held from 12 to 14 March 2010. Over 2,000 delegates attended, with all available tickets selling out more than five weeks prior to the event.


Speakers included evolutionary biologist and bestselling author Richard Dawkins as well as Catherine Deveny, Phillip Adams, Taslima Nasrin, Peter Singer, PZ Myers, Dan Barker, Stuart Bechman, Sue-Ann Post, Kylie Sturgess, John Perkins, Tamas Pataki, Max Wallace, Russell Blackford, Ian Robinson, AC Grayling, Robyn Williams, Simon Taylor, NonStampCollector, Craig Reucassel and Julian Morrow. In addition, a panel of women chaired by Maggie Millar featured Lyn Allison, Tanya Levin, Leslie Cannold and Jane Caro.

''A Celebration of Reason''

The second convention, titled A Celebration of Reason, was held from 13 to 15 April 2012. Over 4,000 delegates attended the three-day event. Christian and Muslim groups protested outside the event.


Master of ceremonies; Kylie Sturgess and Lawrence Leung.
Speakers included; Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Sam Harris, Peter Singer, PZ Myers, AC Grayling, Lawrence Krauss, Annie Laurie Gaylor, Catherine Deveny, Eugenie Scott, Leslie Cannold, Tanya Smith, Jason Ball and Geoffrey Robertson Q.C.
There was also a panel talk on the intersection of religion and politics; Derek Guille was moderator. The panel included speakers Dick Gross, Colleen Hartland, Marion Maddox and Fiona Patten.
There was a dinner on the Saturday night with performances by Tom Ballard, Shelly Segal, Simon Taylor and Brian Dalton. On the final day there was another panel talk which included Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett and Sam Harris. The event included a tribute to Christopher Hitchens was also originally booked to attend though died in December 2011.