Glamour Boy

"Glamour Boy" is a song written by Burton Cummings and performed by The Guess Who, and was featured on their 1973 album, #10. It was inspired by David Bowie and reached #14 in Canada in 1973. The song was also released in the United States as a single, but it did not chart.
Burton Cummings on "Glamour Boy" in 2016.
One of my all time favourites. It was originally inspired by David Bowie, and now that he's gone I can kinda do it as a tribute to his amazing career. I was very threatened... I felt very threatened when David Bowie came along, because it all changed. Music took second or third place to the appearance, and then theatrics came into Rock n Roll...

The song was produced by Jack Richardson.
"Glamour Boy" was featured prominently in the 1998 Don McKellar film Last Night.