Gival Press

Gival Press is an American literary publishing house specializing in promoting non-fiction, short stories, literary fiction, and poetry. The privately held, independent company was founded in 1998 in Arlington, Virginia. Gival Press publishes books and anthologies in English, French, and Spanish and sponsors four contests for fiction and poetry.


Since 2005, Gival Press has published the online literary journal Arlington Literary Journal also known as ArLiJo. The current staff includes Editor-in-Chief, Robert L. Giron and Associate Editor, Sarah Fannon.

Literary awards

Gival Press offers several literary awards each year, including the Gival Press Novel Award
, the Oscar Wilde Award, the Gival Press Poetry Award, and the Gival Press Short Story Award. All contests strictly adhere to the Council of Literary Magazines & Presses .

Novel Award

The winner of the Gival Press Novel Award receives a cash prize in addition to publication of the winning novel. Past judges include: Donald Berger, Tim W. Brown, John Domini, Richard Peabody, Kim Roberts, and Thad Rutkowski.
Named after Irish poet and playwright Oscar Wilde, the Gival Press Oscar Wilde Award is one of the oldest prizes recognizing LGBT poetry. It is awarded annually for the "best previously unpublished original poem written in English which best relates GLBT life."
Formerly a chapbook prize,, the Gival Press Poetry Prize honors a poetry manuscript. Recipients receive a cash prize and publication of the winning manuscript.
The Gival Press Short Story Award honors a previously unpublished original short story in English.
Gival Press books have been the recipients of a number of literary awards.