Giucas Casella

Giucas Casella is an Italian illusionist, hypnotist and television personality.

Life and career

Born in Termini Imerese, Palermo, he started his career at 17 years old, performing in a disco in Alassio. After about 10 years of shows in European casinos, the presenter Pippo Baudo, who had noticed him during an exhibition in an Antenna Sicilia TV-show, launched his career casting him in the 1980 edition of the popular show Domenica in. He is best known for his experiments of hypnotism to people and animals. In 2004 Casella participated to the Rai 1 reality show Il ristorante, ranking fourth, and in 2008 he was a contestant in L'Isola dei Famosi, retiring for health problems. In 2018 he was once again a contestant in L'Isola dei Famosi, retiring once again for health problems.